This function will allow you to adjust your program
for Small, Medium or Large Jobs. Lets say you get this massive
job and you want to charge less for the job when it reaches
a certain dollar level. Well this Feature will allow you to
do this automatically.
Just set your minimum amount that you would consider
a small job, then set the one in the middle for a middle ground
figure. Then at the bottom set the maximum. Now the program
will always adjust to the minimum amount so keep that in mind,
The program will only recognize numbers progressing so keep
that in mind when your filling in your figures, (see figure
above) now you can adjust the percentage. This will take the
percentage of the Timed job hourly rate. So if you want 90%
of $35.00 an hour your new figure will be $31.50 this will now
be your new hourly rate that you will be charging your customer.
This will only occur when the specified target range has been
Starting up
You can access this feature by going to "Options"
and in the "Tools" tab you will find "Degrade"
When you click on "Start" in Job Timer,
this function will start up provided you have "Enable Degrade"
You will see the red "Starting" text
at the top which means the program is thinking on where it should
go. If you decide to have this feature start in the middle of
a job that you are working on, then the program will find the
best setting to use and then adjust your price per hour accordingly.
Once learning where it has to go, then it will
display a red box to show what level it is working at.
Using the "Progress by" buttons
will allow you to quickly adjust your settings. So selecting
100 then you enter in 200 in the first box all your settings
will increase by 200, 300, 400 and so on, if you choose the
200 box, then your settings will increase by 200 so enter in
200 in the first box and all the other boxes will increase by
200 and so on. This will insure that your numbers are progressing
properly, if you get a number in there that is less than the
number in front of it, then this function will not work properly.
Recommend is just a default button, clicking this
will revert this back to default settings.
If you do not wish to use this feature then just
uncheck the "Enable Degrade" check box and Job Timer
will react and perform the way it always has.
If you decide to use degrade and it has starting
adjusting your hourly rate for you, then you decide you didn't
want this, Click on Clear, adjust your new hourly rate and save
your job. This will prevent Degrade from adjusting your hourly
rate again when you open up the job.
Please be careful and watch this feature closely
and see if this is what you want. This Feature adjusts your
hourly rate automatically. Make sure you are getting the outcome
you want. If you don't like this feature just shut it off and
it won't bother your work at all.