Please click on the product you wish to purchasePay Once, Own it forever and get free upgrades. With your purchase you can install this program on another computer for free. Just email us the second Computers ID code and we will send you the necessary information. So in a sense, you get two for the price of one! If you want Job Timer on more than three computers then you may consider buying the Professional Edition which is offered on CD, Plus you will receive a code by email that will allow you to use this version immediately.
In Most cases your Registration Material will be delivered to you immediately after your Credit Card purchase. The Registration process is automated and the only time that you wouldn't receive your Registration Material is if the Job Timer Server is down; of course this rarely happens. Although this has never happened before; but if you don't receive your Registration Material within 12 hours of your purchase you will receive your Registration Material You must provide us with the correct email address. If you give us the wrong email address then we can't get your Registration material to you on time; therefore we cannot issue a refund. Since the process is automated and you give us the wrong email address then we have to send your Registration Material Manually. This may take some time after the problem has been encountered. I have received emails prior to the purchase of this product to make sure that someone was here to take their order. Although I love to hear from all of you, it really isn't necessary to see if anyone is in the office to take your order, like I said before the Registration Process is automated and we really don't need to be here, but as it happens this is a full time devoted company that is willing to do what it takes to make our customers happy, so there are personnel here to help you in any way. Job Timer Registration
Retrieval - Automatic (24hours - 365 days a year) Although this rarely happens, if you don't receive your registration material right away there may have been a problem with your 2Checkout Client Registration Information getting to our service center and this may mean that we will have to issue your registration material manually. We try our best to get your registration material to you as quickly as possible. Since our Registration Support hours are Very long you will not have to wait very long. Since the Launch of Job Timer 3. Years ago we have had Thousands of Orders and we like to think that Job Timer is the Premier Time Keeper in the world. It's very popular and has had several nicely written reviews. All of which you can read about on the home page of this web site or at Check back regularly for updates. Please enjoy your new product. Job Timer Staff
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