Recently Opened Projects
This is a great tool for those of us that have several things going on and you need to open several projects quickly. Lets say you're working on your current project and you get a phone call from a client that wants you to work on something right now. Well go to the large or small control panel and open that project. Once you have finished this project you can now go back to the original project very quickly just by picking it in this window. When you select "Get" it will automatically stop the clock, save your progress and open the new project. This will also start the clock again automatically right were you left off the last time you accessed the project.
Launch Prog: Will launch your favorite program if checked. Give it a try to see how you like it. You can open this function here: "Options" "View" "Recent Projects" When you click on "Auto Show" This will make this window show up every time you hit "Open" on either the large control panel or the small control panel. Clicking on "Auto Start" will start any project you "Get" automatically. This is the order of events on what happens when you hit "Get"
2. Second it opens the file you want to open. 3. Third it Starts the clock automatically (provided you have "Auto Start" checked) This is all done very quickly, so you can open, close, stop, start jobs just by hitting "Get" This window can stay on your desktop or appear in front of you continuously. If you choose this feature then the window will resize itself every ten seconds if you click on the "<<<" button.
This will only display what job is currently open. If you click on ">>>" then it will restore itself to the original size.This will allow you to open another job then return back to the smaller size. This will automatically happen if you click on "Always show" or else you will have to manually do it. Getting into the extended window will allow you to make settings to the Recent projects Feature. You can save or load these settings. Recent Projects has the ability to remember what projects you were working on even if you close Job Timer. This will save time. If you choose "Always Show" Then this feature will show up when you start Job Timer and will continue to show on top of all windows while you are using Job Timer.
The Icon window can be placed anywhere
on your desktop by choosing "Settings" - "View Tab" and
click on
"Set" Every time you open a project then the Recent projects features remembers this and allows you to select this project with one click. "AC" Button Click on the "AC" button and this small "Recent Projects Settings" window will appear. The "AC" button stands for "Auto Clear" this will clear your project list automatically for you. Click on "AC" and choose how many days you would like the list to clear. After this reaches "0" then the counter will reset and your project list will clear. This is handy when you're at the end of your billing cycle. You don't want to open any previous projects that you have already billed. Click on the "+" or "-" buttons and this will select the amount of days you would like this feature to automatically clear your projects. If you click on one of the quick pick buttons "5", "15" or "30" will set the days to that amount. If you wish to reset the settings then click on "Clear" and your "days left" will reset back to the original settings. Clicking on the Check box "Automatically Clear Projects" will turn this feature on and your "AC" button will display the amount of days are left until the project clears your project files. This way you can see at a glance when your project settings will be cleared and if you don't want this to happen you can cancel or reset this feature.
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