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Customer Information

This is broken down into two sections "Customer information" and "Project Information":
Customer information is "Saved" as a file, you can recall it later so all you have to do is enter in an Invoice Number and the Project Name. Everything else is added for you. If you create a new Customer account then You will have to first save that information, but the program don't know that you want to use this customer for your next Job, so to add them to the next job click on "Click to add Customer Information to Project".

Each Customer can have their own Job Timer Settings. Setup Job Timer like you would for this special customer. Then save the settings file (prices.hpp) to your customers name. (ie: Customer.hpp). Once you have saved your Job Timer settings then click on "Customer" and Fill in this special customers name, address, phone etc. Click on "Use Special Settings". Click the box next to it to choose the settings you wish to use with this customer. (ie: Customer.hpp). Save your customer information. Every time you use this customer then your Job Timer settings will be changed to fit this customer. By clicking "New" on the Main Control Panel all of your Job Timer settings will be reverted back to the original setup. (ie: Prices.hpp).

For example, I have a customer that gives me a lot of business so therefore their prices are lower than all the other customers, so I have set up a special customer settings for this customer. Every time I set up a project for this customer their special settings are used and I don't have to manually add in the new price set every time, leaving the original price set intact for all the other customers that I use.

"Auto" - When Checked will give you an automatic invoice number.

"Chk" - When Checked will remind you to give your project a Customer Name and or Invoice Number before you start any project. The purpose of this function is that if you use the "Special Customer Settings" and you add in your customer information AFTER you have started the clock then your special customer settings will not be used. So in order for those of us that use special customer settings, it reminds us to put in our customer information first before any time is added to the project.

"Include Invoice Number when Saving" - This will do as it says, Clicking this will include the Invoice Number when you save your project. Click on "Save As" and your invoice number will appear, if you save your projects by your Invoice number like most do then all you have to do is hit save without typing the invoice number. If you do not want this feature then uncheck this check box and it will save your projects just like it used to.





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